A fixed installation drone alarm and mitigation system

Fixed Installation

C-UAV products

Our fixed installation anti-drone system secures your airspace day and night by detectingtracking, and mitigating unauthorized remote controlled commercially available drones (UAS, UAV, RAPS etc.) at long ranges – and often before the drone takes off.  

The fixed installation C-UAS solution is developed for the protection of critical infrastructure (ex. nuclear power plants, parliaments, embassies, presidential palaces etc.)prisons, military camps, airports, corporate property, and boarder perimeter protectionThe fixed C-UAS solution is permanently installed at the site and provides headquarters with local situational awareness of the entire property, the capability of finding the pilot and coordination with police outside perimeter, RF alerts are logged and recorded for post incident reporting etc.  

The solution for governmental and corporate use includes our Watchdog 202, our fixed installation RFsensor for drone detection and our 360° RF-detector Wolfpack 210. Together, the RF detectors and the MyDefence C2 system make a complete detection, tracking and situational awareness system against unauthorized drones.    

The solution for military use also includes the Dobermann series 100/101 – jammers, which utilize smart jamming to defeat enemy dronesThe Watchdog and the Wolfpack work together with the Dobermann series, making a complete detect-and-defeat solutionproviding quick threat assessment by RFsignatures and the ability for quick response by either manual or automatic jamming modes to mitigate the threat of malicious drones. 

The C-UAS system is designed as a scalable systemso the number of RF sensors and jammers are determined from the specifications of the site. It can be mounted directly on a wall, a pole, a tree, a tripod etc. It includes senor fusion and is easily integrated with radar and camera for further surveillance and identification needsIt can be operated from MyDefence user interface Iris or integrated into existing C2 systems through MyDefence Argos.  

With our constant focus on reducing SWaP (Size, Weight and Power consumption), the fixed installation C-UAV system is developed to be weather resistant, small, and power-efficient and provide discreet yet efficient RF drone surveillance, detection, and in military context mitigation of the airspace and the perimeter. And due to the scalable design, it is always possible to upgrade the solutions after installation without having to replace the entire system, letting the end user control the budget according to developments in the security need. 

Fixed Installation Detection 

Watchdog 202

Stationary RF detector for perimeter protection

Wolfpack 210

Stationary and portable RF detector for perimeter protection


Wolfpack 210

Fixed installation mitigation


UAS jammer for fixed installation


UAS jammer for fixed installation with GPS



C2 System

C2 - Situational awareness for C-UAS protection

Frontend & Backend Command And Control