Secure Drone Infrastructure

Airspace awareness as-a-service

Subscribe to our Secure Drone Infrastructure – the airspace awareness network powered by MyDefence – to manage drones in the airspace above your area of interest on a “as-a-service” model.

Data aggregation and visualization of drone tracks from multiple sources

Track and approve collaborative drones

Detect and manage non-collaborative drones


Infrastructure built  for a safe and  scalable use of drone technology

We’re building the infrastructure needed to detect, track and manage collaborative and non collaborative drones in the lower airspace. 

Utilizing our infrastructure we provide airspace awareness 
services with dual-use applications:

We track collaborative drones ensuring you which drones is flying above your area of interest while enabling safe and scalable use of drone technology

üWe detect non collaborative drones which need to be managed and ultimately countered by security authorities

Situational awareness

Of the lower airspace

Informed decision  making

Track and identify drones

Air traffic management

Safely manage drone traffic

C-UAS enforcement

Mitigate the drone threat

Situational awareness

Of the lower airspace

Informed decision  making

Track and identify drones

Air traffic management

Safely manage drone traffic


C-UAS enforcement

Mitigate the drone threat


Critical  infrastructure

transport, energy and supply, communication, government, financial, industry, hospitals


Homeland  security

police, homeguard, prison, fire & rescue


Air traffic  management

ATM, UTM, eVTOL, vertiports


Tourism, events, cities

stadiums, events, attractions, cities 

Drone threats

Drones add a new dimension (3D) to security measures due to airborne capabilities:

Violation of rights
Privacy infringement or copyright violations

Physical disturbance
Disrupting operations or spreading fear

Intentional gathering of critical information

A physical threat in itself or used as attack platform


As-a-service model

Subscribeto accessSecure Drone Infrastructure network powered by MyDefence

As-a-Servicemodel eliminatesrisk of hardware ownership, human resources and CAPEX investment

Data sharingacrossour infrastructure enabling network effects and scalability


Remote ID tracks sourced by our extensive network of smartphone-based sensors


Remote ID and RF tracks
sourced by dedicated sensors for short-term awareness needs


Remote ID and RF tracks
sourced by dedicated sensors for long-term awareness needs


Full awareness system including multiple sensors
(RF, radar, EO/IR, acoustic)


We’re partnering with key stakeholders to expand our infrastructure and services and invite you to reach out to discuss opportunities for collaboration.

Likely you represent one of the these entities:

We're looking to partners such as:

  • Transportationauthorites
  • Energy authorities
  • Police authorities
  • Military authorities
  • Intelligence authorities
  • Air Navigation Service Providers
  • Mobile networkproviders
  • Security service providers
  • UTM service providers
  • Military research institutions
  • Civil research institutions